If you’ve been chatting backwards and forwards with someone online, a period will come when you’re ready for your first date. As you move beyond that, towards the second, third, and forth dates, it’s important to know how to keep your relationship interesting, in order that it lasts until the 10th, 20th, and 30th dates. Keeping your dating life interesting can be difficult. Before setting out on your first date, read some of our most popular dating secrets:

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Don’t take your first date too seriously

First dates are nearly always the most stressful. If you’re meeting someone for the first time, you may be worried about making a good first impression. And, you have no idea what the other person’s likes or interests are. Your mind is constantly racing, and you may be so nervous that you can’t even taste the food.

The most important thing to remember about first dates would be to not take them too seriously. Just across the table from you is someone else who is also on the first date. Your lover may be equally as anxious while you. It’s best to let the tension out early: try creating a joke about how nervous you were before your date, and just how stupid it is to believe way. The other person will probably laugh it off, and hopefully, they’ll admit they felt the same way.

Once you get that initial awkwardness off your chests, all of those other night should feel fun and natural. Should you still need to loosen some misconception, consider ordering some alcohol with your meal.

Shake up the conversation

Often, the person you’re on a date with will be either a friend from work, or somebody with whom a friend has set you up. This can lead to some initial awkwardness. If your first date is somebody from work, for example, you can have trouble talking about anything but work issues. Quite simply, it’s the first thing you have in common. Or, if you’ve been setup by a friend, the conversation can center around that particular friend. Once again, it’s the only thing you know you've in common.

It’s not productive to speak about only one topic. It tends to make the conversation run in circles, and makes the night boring for everyone. To prevent this, think about creative and interesting questions to find other things you have in common. For example, ask what a common place in the world is, or what kind of animal they would be and why. As the questions seem silly, they’re actually very useful on a first date.

Be impulsive

What’s the purpose of dating somebody should you only do things that they want to do? Dates should be fun for both sides of the relationship. While dinner along with a movie may have worked well for the first date, it’s good to combine up your routine. Instead of going out for dinner, cook meals at home. Replace the film with an exciting live show, like a concert or a play.

If you want to make every date seem like the first one, try to be impulsive in most aspects of your relationship. If done correctly, sharing a new experience with your boyfriend or girlfriend can be as exciting because the first day you met each other.

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